The original book and spread.
Problem: The margins can go too heavy and sometimes it's not right next to the original text it comments about.
The essay mode
Dominantly showing the original essay. Good for the reader who reads the book the first time.
The bars show where the quote is and how long the quote the reader would expect.
The black quotes are approved.
The red quotes are the conversations and conflicts between the author and the fact checker.
The Note Mode is mainly about the margin texts, with the original essay on the side for reference.
Wireframe sketch
This app is designed as a more structural version of the book: The Lifespan of a Fact by John D'Agata and Jim Fingal. Based on the intended reading order, it turns an orbital structural book into one with two modes of reading experience. Contextual elements include the book, the information about the authors, an extended discussion of deep philosophy behind the book.
This is a wireframe prototype of the app built using Adobe Digital Publishing Suite (DPS).